I have been dreaming of what our home would look like for a long time. Like a long time, y’all. Today, I am sharing our living room. When designing our home, we are going for comfy, cozy, and coastal.
Our living room was a handful. The previous owner had a chair rail around the living room. Obviously that had to go. My mom and I decided to remove the chair rail, and things went south fast. Once we removed the chair rail, we discovered wallpaper. And a whole lot of it. Turns out, THE ENTIRE ROOM was wallpaper that had been painted over. It was about 3 different layers of wallpaper too. Very interesting designs if I do say so myself. And I believe this might be our entire home but we are not going to talk about that.
After figuring out that we were not going to get this wallpaper removed without completely killllling our walls, we called in a handyman. Since the walls were a mess and the wallpaper on the bottom was not going to move, he ended up just drywalling over the wallpaper. It turned out wonderful and you can’t even tell that it was a hot mess. #PraiseBe
When choosing a paint color, I knew I wanted the same color throughout the entire home. It took awhile to pick the perfect white, but we ended up with Origami White in the Sherwin Williams showcase paint. It is a great neutral color to bounce color off of. Thankfully, when we moved we didn’t have to touch the floors.
My favorite part of the living room is definitely our fireplace. I thought of painting the brick, but just can’t. After painting the mantel.. holy smokes, it took the room to another level!!! I am obsessed with it. My eye is set on this painting in Disney World, so once we get back there, it is going above the fireplace.
After the fireplace, I love our couch. We purchased it from Ikea. And the best part is that the chaise has storage for alllll of my blankets! It is the best ever.
Speaking of the fireplace, it is currently wood burning. However, we are going to change that eventually. Any advice on that is greatly appreciated!
Off of the living room, we have a powder bath (we completely redid this!). The door was very awkward so we added a barn door to balance the space. Next to the powder bathroom, we have Casey’s adorable kennel. Pre-Covid, she loved her kennel. Now, she loves being my co-worker and not her kennel so much. 🙂
As for our furniture, mostly everything is from Target minus the couch and television. We purchased our tv from Sam’s Club, but also make sure to check Costco! Costco is sometimes cheaper. All of my home decor on the shelves are old books, Target dollar spot stuff, and items I have found over the years. Since we have been engaged, I have been shopping for our home so we had a lot before moving in!
As for our rug, I found this randomly in the clearance section in the back of Target. Fun fact.. always give this section a looky. Rumor has it… if an online item is returned to the store, they are not able to place it on the floor and it immediately goes to clearance. Partayyyy! I have found two rugs there.
See our before, during, and after photos below…



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